The 4 Ps to a Perfect Blog Post Structure

If you want to increase time on your blog with better, more organized content then this article is for you.

Content marketing is a noisy world. Optimistically speaking, visitors to your website will stay only a few minutes before moving on if their search intent isn’t met. Blog content visitors are even more discerning. In order to reduce the risk of readers bouncing we’re going to talk about four must-have elements for your content.

Existing structures

There are a few popular copywriting structures in circulation such as the inverted pyramid (popular with journalists prioritizing information delivery) and AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action). While the latter structure is tried and tested, it can be vague about what each element is supposed to achieve. 

Today we’re going to look at a clear, effective, and above all workable structure commonly known as the ‘four Ps’. Let’s break down what each element asks you to communicate to your audience.


The promise is what catches your reader’s attention. In some ways this is the deceptively easy part. Simply write something outrageous or provocative and hey presto, you’ve caught attention. That is not what we want.

Think what would happen if you shouted ‘hey’ in a busy place. You’d get attention alright, but most people would immediately carry on with their day. Now imagine you shout ‘wow’ in a busy place. Not only would people look at you but instinctively search for whatever it is you’ve seen. 

You have gained attention in return for the promise of something worth looking at.

This is why a promise is a much more compelling start to your article than attention alone. A promise draws your audience in with something beneficial. It lays down the value of the article in a snappy, clear way and sets up the delayed gratification you will capitalize on when you come to push your product at the end.


More so than many other industries, learners and potential students need to picture themselves at your institution or benefiting from an online course.

Instead of just generating interest as the AIDA structure would have us do, here we transition into painting a picture for our reader. This is your chance to build on the promise using vivid language selected to make a lasting positive impression.

A quick way to achieve this:

  • Place the reader at the center of the action.
  • Let them imagine themselves enjoying the benefits of your courses, program or learning platform.
  • Go into more detail about how your particular offer delivers those benefits.

The positives of having a strong ‘picture’ section are twofold. Firstly, it moves the reader seamlessly through the acceptance process towards your all important ‘push’. Secondly, it provides the writer with a structure in which to deliver key facts and messages without getting sidetracked.


In the first two sections of your blog post you have enticed your reader with a promise and shown them where they fit in the delivery of that promise. Now it’s time to back things up with some supporting proof. 

This can take the shape of graphs, facts, figures, testimonials from learners, quotes from instructors, pictures, or anything else that features your learning offer delivering on the promise you outlined above. You’ve already struck an emotive chord, this section is where you appeal to your reader’s logical side.

When a potential learner is on the verge of choosing your offer, they will most likely look to role models, industry certification, or their own social circle to make the decision easier.

To back this up, here’s the proof. And here’s some more in a marketing context.

A sure fire way of losing your reader is by not backing up your assertions with sufficient proof. Anyone can say what potential learners want to hear, but unless it’s backed up with evidence you’re not building any trust.


This is the section your blog article has been building towards. Here we make it clear what we want the reader to do but also tie the promise, picture and proof together. Technically it’s the toughest part of the article to get right. However, it should not be the longest section.

Here are a few points to tick off as you create your first draft:

  • Remind your reader of the promise.
  • Briefly repeat how they fit in and the proof.
  • Deliver an outstanding offer (if applicable).
  • Be clear about what you want them to do next.

Try to keep your ending in mind at the very start of the writing process. That way everything you put down during the Promise, Picture and Proof stages will neatly tie in with your grand finale.


Persuasive writing is a game of practice, consistency and delivering on your promises with hard proof. Most of all it is about understanding your audience, knowing what they are searching for and how your offer best fits into their decision making.

When developing your persuasive blog writing skills, remember that nothing is assumed. Be as clear as you possibly can with your audience. Don’t opt for creativity over clarity. Visitors don’t have the time or patience to connect the dots themselves.

Remember, blog content is just one part of the persuasive process for any university or professional learning platform. You should always combine your efforts with a solid social media strategy and brand voice.

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