The Task

Modul University Vienna engaged Words On Brand in a consulting capacity to advise on their new social media strategy for 2022 and beyond.

The Process

Words On Brand began by conducting a full SWOT analysis of all social media channels linked to MU Vienna and collaborated with the in-house marketing team on a competitor analysis. The results were then transformed into SMART goals, and further refined into actionable, bite-sized work packages.

Once the SMART goals and work packages were clearly defined, Words On Brand set about brainstorming content pieces which would directly achieve these goals.

The Result

The result being a social media strategy with clear goals and KPIs by channel, a consistent tone of voice across all communications, and an effective promotion of the MU student experience by audience and study level.
Modul University Vienna
MU Vienna is Austria's leading international university specialising in Tourism, Hospitality, Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics.

Visit website
Vienna, Austria
Higher Education
Company Size
150+ employees
Services Provided
Competitor Analysis
Social Media Analysis
Audience Analysis
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Workshops
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